
Thursday, July 14, 2011


Running along the secret tunnel he opened a big cupboard and got out a big bottle looking at the bottle Sophie opened the bottle carefully as she was very worried. As she took a sip she said “ why doe’s the fizz bubble down”. The bfg replied “because where were from the bubbles go down and makes a whizzpop.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


What is out in the bay?

Outside in the bay there is a box that is made out of concrete with a tap above it so that people can wash their legs.

Why we did it?

We made our diorama because heaps of people washes their leg at the water fountain where we drink in. So that is why we decided to make something like this.

What does the diorama show?

The diorama shows a concrete box with strong
water that can wash every single foot that gets dirty and sticky.